What did I do?
I put together a simple page to do the math on how much it would cost to run electronic devices for a certain amount of time. If you're interested, you can access it here. I know it doesn't look that pretty, but it does function.
Why did I do it?
There are plenty of tools like this online. I didn't need to make this. So why did I?
Well, for one, it was a fun learning experience. It also makes this site a tiny bit more useful, haha. I guess the other reason I made it was because other energy usage / cost calculators on the internet use a lot more memory and are a lot slower than they should be for what is actually pretty simple math. I remember using one that had such bad performance that it slowed down my entire web browser and there was a noticeable delay when typing my input.
I wanted one that was faster and lighter, so I just went and made my own.
What now?
At the time of writing this? I don't really know. However, I do think it'd be cool to make more of these "Make your own" style blogposts in the future.